Monday, 22 November 2010

Irish polling

After hearing today's latest headlines I thought I'd have a look at Irish opinion polls again. There are two issues at stake here. The first is the Donegal South West By-election which takes place on Wednesday. The press association is calling this for Sinn Fein after a 500 person survey conducted by Red C (on Behalf of bookmakers Paddy Power). This is FF heartland so a bad loss here will be extremely traumatic for the party.

The same pollsters have also produced a poll for tomorrows papers with the latest Eire wide figures of

Fianna Fáil 17% (41.6% last time)
Fine Gael 33% (27.3%)
Labour 27% (10.1%)
Greens 3% (4.7%)
Sinn Féin 11% (6.9%)

If the election is held in the next few months we will see the end of an intire political class in Ireland as the largest party in the countries history is dumped into a miserable third place fight with Sinn Fein.

Interesting times...

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